Order custom printed performance poly tech shirts and you’ll be among the in crowd. 100% polyester moisture wicking performance t-shirts hold the distinction of a shirt that people either love or hate. There are also the converts who swore them off and perhaps received one free from a marketing give away, and the rest was history, they revamped their wardrobe with all poly tech shirts.
Here is the scoop. custom printed performance poly tech shirts are generally very light in weight. There are two main options which are a jersey knit which has a texture similar to a regular t-shirt and then there is the poly interlock which is the slick and smooth texture than typically has a bit of a sheen to it. Both shirts perform the same in regards to wicking moisture away from the body and both will be anti microbial and light weight. Most people don’t have a preference but some do. they are either a jersey knit texture kind of person or a poly interlock kind of person.
While the custom printed performance poly tech shirts will come in your basic colors, they will also come in your brighter colors such as your safety green and orange, vibrant greens, yellows, blues and reds. The are easy care shirts and men who do their own laundry should really be on board with them because the interlock poly are basically wrinkle free.
The custom printed performance poly tech shirts come in a variety of styles for men and women including v-necks, short sleeve, long sleeve, and shirts with contrast piping or accents. My personal preference on the jersey knit is the Gildan 42000 performance tee and on the poly interlock is the A4 cooling performance tee. Both of these brands are very durable and their colors options are plentiful. Badger brand also makes a great lineup of custom printed performance poly tech shirts but they tend to be just a bit pricier than the Gildan and A4 models.
Kirkwood Trading Company is a Saint Louis based screen printing and custom t-shirt shop. From the printing perspective there is only one major change we need to make in order to provide customers with vibrant prints on their custom printed performance poly tech shirts. That change is that we have to use inks geared towards polyester. This provides a better attraction to the poly material than a standard ink or cotton ink would. We carry a full line of performance apparel and we’ll be happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have when looking at placing an order. We can be reached at Contact Us