Do away with costly inventory and free up time and the hassles associated with paper order forms by increasing sales and profits through a free online spirit wear store.
Step by Step it’s easy!
1. Choose the products you want to offer (T-shirts, Sweatshirts, hats, bags, polos, etc). Never done spirit wear before? No problem, we can pick products for you that are successful with other stores we are currently running for customers.
2. Decide what logos or designs you want to offer on the apparel. A school logo? A unique design? If you don’t have one we can work with you to create logo’s and designs for your spirit wear.
3. Once we have decided on the apparel and the designs, we will provide you with pricing for us to produce these items. You then figure out how much you want to make on each product for your school, team or company.
4. We put the store together for you displaying only your products and pricing.
5. Kirkwood Trading Company handles all sales, ordering processing, and shipping and delivery
6. You collect the profits either monthly, quarterly, or if it’s a deadline store, when the store closes.
7. Along with the profits you will also receive reports on each item ordered and who ordered these items.
Note: The most successful stores are open for a certain period of time. (Schools – Fall, Winter, Spring) Team Sports and Clubs (quarterly) Corporate Business (Spring and Fall) However each case and purpose of a store is different so we can cater each store to fit your specific needs. Stores that are open 24/7 365 tend to not generate as much revenue as stores that are open for periods of 2 weeks to a month at a time. We can discuss what your best option is based on our experience.
Our Goal
Our goal for your free online spirit wear store is to take the time, money, and hassle away from you and put it on our shoulders. With a free spirit wear store you no longer have to 1. Spend money on costly inventory or fiddle with paper order forms. 2. By giving your customers and online store you are making it more convenient for them to buy. 3. Since we do all the work it frees of your time.
In addition to spirit wear, these stores work great for team sports, corporate apparel, and fundraising.
Success Stories
Depending on our customer and their specific reason for creating a free online spirit wear store, success may be measured differently for each person.
– Local Corporate Company – Success for them was simply not having to take individual employee orders and then place it with a company like mine to produce all of their jackets and polos. They buy their 80 employees polos, jackets, and sweatshirts every year and until they contacted us for a free online store, they had to have someone track down each employee and get their shirt size, discuss apparel options, colors, and usually field questions about the apparel that they weren’t able to answer.
We built them a free online spirit wear store with the products they wanted to offer their employees. Now all they had to do with send a company wide email to their employees with the link to the store and let them go online and choose the products they wanted at their convenience. And if they had questions on anything they were able to contact us directly through the store.
– Local Swim Club – For years now we have been working with a local swim club who order a lot of t-shirts and logo apparel team wear. When we introduced them to free online stores they were able to save a lot of time and headaches by having us do all the work. With an online presence for their members they were able to make buying their team wear easier which increased their profits. The profit they make from their store they run 4 times per year pays for a lot of the on demand t-shirts they need through the season.
-local Elementary school – Like most elementary schools spirit wear is something that is handled by a volunteer parent. One particular custom always used paper order forms for their spirit wear. They would send it home on the day of registration and sort them out on the due date when the students would return them. But what happens is the school was constantly sending out reminders, answering questions, replacing lost order forms, and spending a lot of time on this. Then when all the paper order forms were turned in, they still had to manually tally them, put them in a spreadsheet, and then send it off to us. It was very time consuming and caused a lot of headaches.
Last year, the mom in charge was looking for an easier way. She saw our free online spirit store and contacted us. Long story short. We saved her a tremendous amount of time and with the online store their sales almost doubled from the year before. Consequently they use the profits for various purchases throughout the year and after using the online store they had a surplus of money. Her exact words were that the free online spirit wear store saved her sanity.
-Current Customer A local youth sports team we have worked with for the past few years had a child who’s dad was recently diagnosed with cancer. Unsure of what is future would be it was important that the child could remain playing this club sport. So the organization came up with a special t-shirt they would sell to raise money with the proceeds going towards this child’s membership fees. It was an amazingly huge success and proof that when communities come together, great things happen.
These are just a few stories that tend to have a general success related to them that other clients of ours can appreciate. If you are in charge of spirit wear, team wear, or corporate wear, or simply want to raise funds with a one of a kind shirt, contact us and we’ll be happy to show you what we can do. A free online spirit wear store will save you time, hassles, and money.