T-shirt printing for non-profit organizations
Kirkwood Trading Company has been screen printing custom t-shirts in St. Louis for over 20 years now. In that time we have met a lot of great people and printed t-shirts for a lot of great causes. Everybody has a story when they order their custom tees and some are funny, scary, sad, and uplifting. With our history of printing t-shirts we have always looked for ways to give back. A few years back we created a donation budget which is maxed out for the foreseeable future because we have worked with people who have custom t-shirts made for great causes. However we didn’t want to stop so we have created discounts when we do t-shirt printing for non-profit organizations and have even figured out a way to not only discount the shirts but always give back as well.
If you are the head of a local chapter for any non-profit organization who hosts events where your participants order custom t-shirts, you need to contact us because what we do for an organization wide donation will blow anything you’ve ever done out of the water. We can make a huge impact on run and walk events.
On a smaller scale when t-shirt printing for non-profit organizations we offer discounts for things like run and walk events. We understand your purpose is to raise awareness and funds for research. We try to help any way we can and offering discounts on shirts you want to purchase is the best way we know how.
A few things we do aside from discounting the shirts is volunteering any design work if needed. Typically there is a charge when we design a shirt for a customer but when it comes to t-shirt pringing for non-profit organizations we waive those fees with a few exceptions. Those exceptions generally revolve around the complexity of the design and the amount of time it takes to create such a design.
From the beginning Kirkwood Trading Company works with our customers so we are all on the same page quickly. We understand what you need and when you need it. Through the years we have become very good at providing our custom t-shirt screen printing service in a manner that doesn’t take a lot of our customers time. We send digital proofs out to all customers so there is never a mystery and all pricing is set before hand so there are never any surprises.
If you are involved with a foundation organization contact us. We’ll be happy to discuss our t-shirt printing for non-profit organizations and how we serve a national clientele from coast to coast in a timely fashion for a lot less than other screen printing companies.