Save money on your custom t-shirts

how to save money on custom t-shirts
Save money on your next order of custom t-shirts

Any time you have something custom made it’s going to cost a little more typically, especially when you are looking at small quantities. At Kirkwood Trading Company we are all about value and how we can save our customers money. We build relationships with our clients and we know in the long run, saving clients as much money as possible will pay off over the long haul. So we try to save you money on your custom t-shirts where we can.

We constantly get phone calls from small businesses in the St. Louis area inquiring about ordering custom t-shirts or their business. It’s obvious in looking at this option they understand the marketing power of having custom logo apparel with their brand on their shirts. However small businesses typically only need small quantities and often times are faced with higher prices per shirt. So we ask questions to try to find out as much information about our client to better serve their needs and give them the best price possible. The key is to save money on your custom t-shirts to get more bang for your buck.

Save money on your custom t-shirts – order for the entire year

The easiest way we can help you save money on your custom t-shirts is by explaining the benefits of ordering all the apparel you’ll need for the year, at one time. Most companies order short sleeve t-shirts for the warmer months and long sleeve t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts for the cooler months. If they are ordering 12 short sleeve t-shirts in April and 6 hoodies and 6 long sleeve t-shirts in October, those are treated as two separate orders. Our first and best option is to order the 6 short sleeve t-shirts, 6 long sleeve t-shirts, and 6 hoodies at one time giving you an order total of 24 pieces instead of two separate orders of 12 pieces. While the order itself is only 24 pieces, it is not going to be a huge savings but as a fellow small business owner, any savings helps. As long as the printing is the same on all your apparel, the print price and quantity discount come into effect regardless of having different types of apparel.

Understandably the number of employees and the apparel needs varies among small businesses. We will have small businesses that will order 100 pieces a year broken into 4 separate orders. Ordered as 100 pieces will have more significant savings for the companies needing larger quantities.

Keep it simple

If you are going to have smaller quantities keep the design simple. The more colors in your logo or design and the fewer shirts in your order, the more cost prohibitive the custom t-shirts become. Our rule of thumb is that if you want the most cost effective shirts and you need less then 24 pieces, keep the design or logo to a single color on the front and back. The best way to save money on your custom t-shirts is to use a design that is cost effective in relation to the quantity of your order. The smaller number of shirts you need the less colors you want in your design.

Kirkwood Trading Company has been printing custom t-shirts and logo apparel since 1993 in St. Louis Missouri. We make ordering custom printed t-shirts and logo apparel easy and fast. Contact us for a free price quote the next time you have a need for shirts. We promise, we’ll work with you on your order and if there is a way to help you save money on your custom t-shirts. You’ll save money on your custom t-shirts.